Argentina: Business/trade

(interactive map)

Important: Be sure to check both general and product-based categories for relevant information. Product-based categories include parts and accessories unless otherwise specified. See disclaimer below and use independent care before relying on this information.

Commercial holidays

New Year's Day: January 1; Carnival Monday (varies); Carnival/Shrove Tuesday (varies); Memorial Day: March 24; Maundy Thursday (varies); Veteran's Day: April 2; Good Friday (varies); Labor Day/May Day: May 1; National Day/May 1810 Revolution: May 25; Commemoration of General Don Martín Miguel de Güemes: June 17; Flag Day: June 20; Independence Day: July 9; San Martin Day (varies); Day of respect for cultural diversity (varies); National Sovereignty Day (varies); Immaculate Conception: December 8; Christmas Day: December 25.

Note: For more information on specific holidays, see Argentina Public & Bank Holidays.

Public holiday celebrations may cause delays in commercial transport of goods. It is best to check with your agent in the country about the extent of business stoppage during holidays.

For information on holidays worldwide, see: Holidays and Observances around the World.

(Last updated on 2024-01-01)

Major trade agreements

For additional information on trade agreements and rules of origin see: Rules of Origin Facilitator.

(Last updated on 2022-12-09)

Other treaties/conventions

(Last updated on 2023-07-25)

Government trade information

Argentinian Government:

(Last updated on 2024-05-29)

Additional trade information

Refer to updated IMF Country Report.

(Last updated on 2022-03-31)

Traveler requirements (visas, samples, etc.)

A visa is required for visits to Argentina by citizens of some countries. See overview of Argentina Visa Requirements.

For detailed information contact:

For worldwide visa requirements see: Travel Visa Requirements.

(Last updated on 2019-05-25)

Business customs

All business in Argentina is transacted in Spanish, and all documents and records should be issued in Spanish. Although most Argentinians with a secondary school education understand English, a good working knowledge of Spanish is essential for anyone planning to work in Argentina for any length of time.

Any printed matter translated into Spanish should be reviewed first by a native Argentine to assure its suitability in Argentina.

A prior appointment for a business call is usually necessary and considered a courtesy. Negotiations are based on personal contacts. Business dress, appearance and general approach should be conservative.

For business customs check Cultural Guide - Argentina, and Management Guide - Argentina; also check Culture Crossing in Argentina.

(Last updated on 2018-04-13)

Important: Exercise independent care before relying on information contained herein. Although we strive to ensure all information is correct and current, GISTnet assumes no liability for detrimental reliance on this information. Trade requirements may change with little or no prior notification, de-facto requirements in certain countries vary from official regulations, and particular shipments and/or importers may have special destination customs arrangements. We encourage you to check with the importer or its customs agent in the destination country for specific importation requirements for specific products and circumstances. We ask your help with feedback ( concerning information which may be outdated or incomplete.