GISTnet IACSSP Confirmation Letter

TSA Regulations limit IACSSP security training to those with a "need-to-know" (i.e., IAC employees and sub-contractors/agents within the U.S.) based on their air cargo related job assignment and/or unescorted access to air cargo (refer to: 49 CFR 1520).

As a first step in making GISTnet IACSSP security training available to your company, we must confirm your status as a TSA-approved IAC in good standing, and you must appoint GISTnet as an agent (authorized representative) for training services.

Please prepare the following brief letter to GISTnet on company letterhead (copy-paste the following language):


(To) GISTnet, Inc.
P.O. Box 1029
Manhattan Beach, CA 90267

This will confirm that we have a TSA-approved IACSSP, approval number: _______________, dated _____________.

We will immediately inform GISTnet should our status as a TSA-approved IAC cease to be in effect for any reason.

We understand that only our U.S. employees, as well as our designated sub-contractors and agents ("authorized representatives") with security responsibilities under our IACSSP and/or who have unescorted access to air cargo for which we are acting as an IAC, are eligible for GISTnet IACSSP training. We will limit access to this training to only these people based on what they "need to know" to fulfill their respective job responsibilities on our behalf.

We hereby appoint "GISTnet, Inc." as an agent (authorized representative) for training services, and will add GISTnet, Inc. as an authorized representative for training services via the IACMS portal (see needed information, below).

_________________ (company name)

(signature by IAC Security Coordinator or designated alternate)

By: ______________ (name of IAC Security Coordinator or designated alternate)

Please take a copy of this, and a copy of your IAC Approval certificate, and send it to us via email (, fax (+1.310.376.8049) or postal mail (GISTnet, Inc, P.O. Box 1029, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267). Upon receipt of this letter and certificate from you, we will verify your company is on the official TSA list of IACs, and either directly assign you or, if your company is already set up as a GISTnet subscriber, make the training available for assignment to your personnel.

If you have questions or wish to further discuss TSA training requirements, please contact us at +1.310.376.3888 or

Note: If you, as an individual, wish to take GISTnet IACSSP training, please ask the Security Coordinator or training manager of the IAC you are employed by or contracted with to contact GISTnet to make the necessary arrangements.

To add GISTnet into the TSA IACMS as your authorized representative, please use the Self-Managed Agent ID of AID4289CB1, or use the below information to manually set us up:

1. GISTnet, Inc.
2. (Though we handle no cargo, we recommend using "LAX" as we are located very close to this airport.)
3-7. 4050 Spencer St., Suite A, Torrance, CA 90503
8. 0630-1800, Pacific time, M-F
9. not applicable (leave default pick list item)
10. not applicable
14. not applicable (enter 1 if system requires a number)
15. Kevin
17. Maloney
20. 1-310-376-3888
21. 1-310-376-8049
22. (call GISTnet during office hours for this information)
23. 1-310-376-8049