CSMS Message: 18-000203

Title:Validation of AES X12 Commodity Filing Response Message 007
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ACE Electronic Export Information (AES) is now correctly validating for AESTIR commodity filing error message “007 HEADER FILER ID TYPE MUST BE E OR D” in the X12 messages. Software vendors should update their software to send the correct value of the FilerID type: X.12 Segment ID/Data Elements: ISA05 : 01 (D), 24 (E).

For additional format details please refer to the ANSI X-12: 601 Export Shipment Information or CBP Proprietary Format. You may test your Electronic Export Information (EEI) in the certification environment.


NOTE: AESTIR Commodity Filing response message 007 is not a new validation rule. EEI messages transmitted in CBP Proprietary Format (Proprietary Record ID/Data Elements: Input A Record/ Filer ID Type) were and continue to be validated against the business rule ‘007 HEADER FILER ID TYPE MUST BE E OR D’.

Please contact your assigned Client Representative if you have any questions.

Referenced By

CSMS #46964583, 46903700, 46487413, 19-000318, 19-000261