CSMS Message: 19-000109

Title:A/P Delay for Drawback Claims Returned to Trade Control on December 17, 2018
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On December 17, 2018, CBP returned to trade control certain TFTEA Drawback claims in anticipation that these claims would be resubmitted to CBP with a request for Accelerated Payment (A/P) (see CSMS 18-000737).

Due to unforeseen technical issues, A/P will be delayed for any claim that was returned to trade control on December 17, 2018, and resubmitted to CBP. The CBP technical team is actively working on a solution to address this issue. Until further notice, CBP is requesting that claimants/filers delay returning such claims to CBP control if the resubmission will include a request for A/P. An updated CSMS will be sent out once the issue is resolved.

Questions regarding this update may be directed to OTDRAWBACK@cbp.dhs.gov

Related CSMS No. 18-000737

Referenced By

CSMS #19-000162