C6.1u—Introduction to U.S. Customs Tariff (HTSUS) Classification
Subscriber price: $90.00, Non-subscriber price: $115.00
Estimated total study time: 6 hours 4 minutes
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This course is the first in a series of courses that breakdown the training offered in C6u—U.S. Customs Tariff (HTSUS) Classification Basics. This course covers the structure of the HTSUS, a strategy for classification and the importance of getting classification right the first time. It can be used as a brush up on how to read the tariff or a precursor to the study of the General and Additional Rules of Interpretation (GRIs)
Note: There are no GRI's taught in this course.
Introduction to the HTSUS (C6.1u)
The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) is subdivided into various elements which together form the structure of the nomenclature. In order to perform accurate classification it is essential to understand the relation between the elements. These elements are sections, chapters, subchapters, headings, subheadings, and notes. This first lesson deals with the general overall structure, and the breakdown by sections.
(Estimated study time: 1 hour 15 minutes)
- Introduction
- Background of the Harmonized System
- Reasons for Global Harmonization
- The Core Classification System
- Periodic Harmonized System Updates
- Overview of the U.S. Classification System
- Adoption and Administration of the Harmonized System in the U.S.
- Maintenance of the HS and the HTSUS
- The U.S. Nomenclature System
- U.S. Tariff Classification Determines Duty and Taxes
- The Importer is Ultimately Responsible for Proper Classification
- Most Commodities are Classifiable
- How Important is it to Get the Right Classification?
- Responsibility for Classification of Imported Goods
- Basis for the HTSUS
- The HTSUS is Divided into Sections
HTSUS Framework
This lesson continues with the breakdown of the HTSUS by chapters, headings and subheadings. Also available for download in this module is a unique Chapter and Heading listing that is not commercially available. This document allows a quick glance at the whole HTSUS condensed into less than 30 pages.
(Estimated study time: 57 minutes)
- Introduction
- The HTSUS is Divided into Sections
- Sections are Divided into Chapters
- Chapter and Heading Listing to the Rescue
- Chapters 1–97
- Special and Temporary U.S. Classification Provisions: Chapters 98 and 99
- Chapters are Divided into Headings
- Some Headings are Organized into Subchapters
- Headings are Divided into Subheadings
- Subheadings are not born equal!
- Example of One-tab Subheading
- Example of a Two-tab Subheading
- Parts of the Tariff Number beyond Six Digits
HTSUS Section and Chapter Notes
The next important thing to consider when determining the correct classification of an article are the section, chapter and subheading notes. Notes hold the key to exclusions and definition of terms.
(Estimated study time: 52 minutes)
- Introduction
- Section Notes, Chapter Notes and Subheading Notes
- Defining and Refining Classification Choices
- Exclusions from Classification in Section and Chapter Notes
- Definitions of Goods or their Composition in Section and Chapter Notes
- Subheading Notes are Shown After Section and Chapter Notes
- Subheading Notes are Strictly for Classification at the Subheading Level
- Subheading Notes that Apply to a Chapter
- Subheading Notes that Apply to the Whole Section
HTSUS Subheading Notes and More (C6.1u)
We continue our study of the HTSUS notes which provide important information on inclusion or exclusion of goods from certain tariff items and definition of terms. Then we will discuss a method of practical application of the notes to headings and subheadings.
(Estimated study time: 1 hour 17 minutes)
- Introduction
- Subheading Notes are Shown After Section and Chapter Notes
- Subheading Notes are Strictly for Classification at the Subheading Level
- Subheading Notes that Apply to a Chapter
- Subheading Notes that Apply to the Whole Section
- Practical Application of Notes
- General Statistical Notes
- Additional U.S. Section and Chapter Notes
- Other Statistical Notes Throughout the HTSUS
- Additional Information Found in the HTSUS
- HTSUS Change Record
- Preface to the HTSUS
- Notice to Exporters
- China Tariffs
- Appendices to the HTSUS
- Statistical Annexes to the HTSUS
- Alphabetical Index to the HTSUS and the Online Search Function
HTSUS Language and Punctuation (C6.1u)
Apart from the very structure of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS), classifying involves the knowledge of the meaning of some Latin expressions, attention to punctuation, and awareness of the language of the HTSUS.
(Estimated study time: 53 minutes)
- Introduction
- Visible and Invisible Elements of the HS
- Technical Language and Vocabulary
- Latin Expressions in the HS Represent Specific Concepts
- Punctuation in the Harmonized System Influences Meaning
- Use of the Semi-Colon in the Harmonized System
- Interpreting the Harmonized System When the Comma is Used
Strategy for HTSUS Classification (C6.1u)
After learning the theory of the HTSUS, the next step is to put it all together to make it work as a coherent ensemble. This is where we define some common pitfalls and discuss irregular situations. How goods are presented is a big part of determining the correct classification. The use and purpose of the good is also an important factor. We will discuss these and show that even when all the facts are given, the outcome can still be subjective.
(Estimated study time: 49 minutes)
- Introduction
- A Global Classification Strategy
- A Tip on Searching for the Proper Heading
- Conducting a Classification Inquiry
- Factors Influencing Classification
- Description of Goods from the Commercial Invoice
- Seeing Goods "as Presented"
- Classification Can be Subjective in Spite of the Notes
- Reusable Packing Material
- Overview of the Available Classification Reference Material