Record Management

Subscriber price: $25.00, Non-subscriber price: $30.00

A company's corporate records are one of its most important and valuable assets. Almost every employee is responsible for creating or maintaining corporate records of some kind, whether in the form of paper, computer data, microfilm, electronic mail or voice-mail. Letters, memoranda and contracts are obviously corporate records, as are things such as a desk calendar, an appointment book or an expense record.

Companies are required by law to maintain certain types of corporate records, usually for a specified period of time. The failure to retain such documents for these minimum periods can subject a company to penalties, fines or other sanctions or could put it at a serious disadvantage in litigation. Accordingly, every company should establish a Record Management Policy to provide guidelines for maintaining complete and accurate corporate records — that is, to help employees understand what records to keep and for how long, what records to dispose of, and how to dispose of them.

The topics covered in the program include:

Record Management