GISTnet Tips: 2001-05-17

In January 2001, Article 303 of NAFTA went into effect for Mexico.  This
has had significant impact on the operation of maquiladoras, and shipments
to and from U.S. manufacturers using maquilas. See GISTnet definition of
maquiladora at for more information.

Customs Brokers/Importers:
What is the difference between goods which are "conditionally free of duty"
vs. "unconditionally free of duty." See GISTnet glossary definitions: and

Freight Forwarders/Exporters:
Certain SEDs/AES records require a Destination Control Statement -- do you
know which ones?  For more information, begin with the glossary definition
and then use the "search libraries" link at the bottom of the definition
to locate more detailed coverage of this subject in the GISTnet library.