GISTnet Tips: 2007-12-04

To quickly find information in the vast GISTnet library, start with the
glossary. Enter a key word or a technical term to get a definition with
links to related terms. Then use the "search libraries for" link at the
bottom of the glossary definition for links to where the term appears in
our much larger library. If you do not find a term related to trade, cargo
transportation or logistics in our glossary, please let us know and we will
quickly respond.

Forwarders and Exporters 
Have you used the GISTnet Country Guides recently? They are now structured
in a global "to-from" format. You will see information about both exports
to and imports from a country. 

Customs Brokers and Importers
Are you an NCBFAA Certified Customs Specialist (CCS)? A variety of GISTnet
on-line courses are approved for CCS continuing education credit, some of
which will meet a full year's requirement. If you have completed one of
these courses this year (2007), place your CCS ID number into your GISTnet
user record before December 31 and your course completion will
automatically be reported to the NCBFAA.

We hope that you are finding GISTnet useful on a daily basis, and appreciate
suggestions on how we can make it more valuable.