Dominican Republic: Import (product-based)

(interactive map)

Important: Be sure to check both general and product-based categories for relevant information. Product-based categories include parts and accessories unless otherwise specified. See disclaimer below and use independent care before relying on this information.

Animals and animal products (general)

Many agricultural products require an import license.

Products of animal, plant, and fish origin require a sanitary no-objection certificate, or import permit, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture.

A health certificate is required for many live animals, embryos and semen, as well as animal products. This certificate may require consular legalization. Requirements concerning what needs to be included on the certificate may vary by animal. Consult with importer for exact requirements.

A certificate of origin may be required.

A special permit may be required for lard.

Animals or animal products infected with germs or parasites are not permitted.

Consult with importer for specific requirements.

(Last updated on 2020-06-22)

Animals: Live

An import license may be required.

A certificate of origin may be required.

A health certificate is required for many live animals, animal products, embryos and semen. This certificate may require consular legalization. Requirements concerning what needs to be included on the certificate may vary by animal.

Consult with importer for specific requirements.

(Last updated on 2020-06-11)

Animal products: Dairy

An import license may be required.

All products of animal, plant, and fish origin require a sanitary no-objection certificate, or import permit, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture.

A sanitary certificate is required.

Milk and cheese may be subject to higher duty rates and/or tariff rate quotas.

Consult with importer for specific requirements.

(Last updated on 2020-06-11)

Animal products: Meat

An import license may be required.

All products of animal, plant, and fish origin require a sanitary no-objection certificate, or import permit, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Consult with importer for specific requirements.

General requirements for shipping meat and meat products (applicable to most countries):

(Last updated on 2020-06-11)

Animal products: Poultry

An import license may be required.

Poultry products may require an import permit and may be subject to tariff rate quotas.

Special certification requirements apply

(Last updated on 2020-06-05)

Animal products: Seafood

All products of animal, plant, and fish origin require a sanitary no-objection certificate, or import permit, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture.

(Last updated on 2020-06-05)

Animal feed and nutrients

All products of animal, plant, and fish origin require a sanitary no-objection certificate, or import permit, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Veterinary products may require a free sale certificate and/or registration.

(Last updated on 2020-06-09)

Endangered species

This country is a member of CITES (Convention on Int'l Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora), an international agreement between governments.

(Last updated on 2022-04-22)

Plants and plant products (general)

Phytosanitary requirements: A phytosanitary certificate is required for the import of certain plants, plant products, planting material, fruits and vegetables. This certificate should state that the products are free from disease and free of any genetically modified organisms.

Import permit: Certain agricultural products may require a special import permit. A "no objection to import" permit is required for the import of plant material and fresh produce. It is available from the Plant Health Division of the Secretariat of Agriculture. Consular legalization may be required.

Certain protected products are regulated and may require prior approval. These include sugar, rice, beans, onions, garlic, and potatoes.

Other regulations, restrictions, requirements: Special regulations apply to certain agricultural products, including seeds.

Fruit may be imported only from countries free of fruit flies. Fruit shipments may only enter via certain ports and must be shipped in refrigerated containers.

Agricultural products may be inspected upon entry.

Rice, sugar, garlic, beans, onions may be subject to tariff rate quota.

Diseased and/or unhealthy plants, plant products and seeds are prohibited.

There are specific regulations concerning the Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) of pesticides in foods, specially fruits, vegetables, and related crops for consumption by humans or animals.

Special packaging requirements apply.

(Last updated on 2020-05-21)

Plants and plant products, including seeds, for use as food

Phytosanitary requirements: A phytosanitary certificate is required for the import of certain plants, plant products, planting material, fruits and vegetables. This certificate should state that the products are free from disease and free of any genetically modified organisms.

Import permit: Certain agricultural products may require a special import permit.

A sanitary no-objection certificate, or import permit, from the Ministry of Agriculture, is required for fresh fruits and vegetables, processed vegetables, and tree nuts. Consular legalization may be required.

Certain protected products are regulated and require prior approval from the Agricultural and Livestock Promotion Committee at the Secretariat of Agriculture. These include sugar, rice, beans, onions, garlic, and potatoes.

Other regulations, restrictions, requirements: Special regulations apply to certain agricultural products, including seeds.

Fruit may be imported only from countries free of fruit flies. Fruit shipments may only enter via certain ports and must be shipped in refrigerated containers.

Agricultural products may be inspected upon entry.

Rice, sugar, garlic, beans, onions may be subject to tariff rate quota.

Diseased and/or unhealthy plants, plant products and seeds are prohibited.

There are specific regulations concerning the Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) of pesticides in foods, specially fruits, vegetables, and related crops for consumption by humans or animals.

(Last updated on 2019-12-12)

Food products (general)

Regulatory agencies: Food products are regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health (through DIGEMAPS).

Registration: Product registration is typically required. Sanitary Registration with DIGEMAPS is required for all pre-packaged food products and beverages. All products must have a Sanitary Registration number, which must be included on the label. Products requiring registration include: cheese; yogurt; breakfast cereal; tree nuts; wine and beer; prepared foods; condiments; sauces; and snack foods.

A sanitary no-objection certificate, or import permit, from the Ministry of Agriculture, is required for agricultural products, including fresh fruits and vegetables, processed vegetables, and tree nuts.

Rice, sugar, garlic, beans, onions, poultry meat, milk and milk powder may be subject to tariff rate quota and require an import license.

Canned foods must meet standards.

Labeling: Labeling for food products must comply with NORDOM 53. Required food labels [in Spanish or with Spanish translation attached] must contain the following information:

Additional information may be required, depending on product. If food has been irradiated, it must be indicated on the label. Labels for foods containing cyclamates must state the following: "ESTE PRODUCTO CONTIENE CICLAMATO. Usese exclusivamente por prescripcion y bajo vigilancia de un medico.".

A free sale certificate is required for foodstuffs, and may be required for general food products.

There are specific regulations concerning the Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) of pesticides in foods, specially fruits, vegetables, and related crops for consumption by humans or animals.

Note: Additional documentation and labeling may be required for food products.

(Last updated on 2023-03-31)

Food products: Processed/prepared food

Registration: Sanitary registration is required for processed and prepackaged food. For information contact DIGEMAPS at the Ministry of Health.

Standards: Certain foods must meet standards, including canned foods. For information contact INDOCAL.

Labeling: Labeling must comply with NORDOM-53. Required food labels (in Spanish or with Spanish translation attached) must typically contain the following information:

Additional information may be required, depending on product. If food has been irradiated, it must be indicated on the label. Labels for foods containing cyclamates must state the following: "ESTE PRODUCTO CONTIENE CICLAMATO. Usese exclusivamente por prescripcion y bajo vigilancia de un medico." If foods and/or ingredients have been irradiated, this must be stated on the label.

Documentation: A free sale certificate is required for food products.

(Last updated on 2023-03-31)

Food products: Additives, preservatives

Food additives are regulated by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOH), particularly with respect to the inappropriate use of additives or toxins, as well as the presence of disease-causing organisms.

The total percentage of additives must be declared.

(Last updated on 2020-05-21)


Special labeling requirements apply.

(Last updated on 2020-06-10)

Pharmaceuticals (general)

All pharmaceuticals should be registered with the government and require an import license. A license from the Ministry of Public Health is required for each trademark of pharmaceutical products imported by a company.

Labels for pharmaceuticals must include product name (chemical name and commercial name); manufacturer name and address; formula; registration number. If prescription is required, the following must appear on the label: "Uso segun indicacion del medico."

A free sale certificate is required for all pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

(Last updated on 2023-01-12)


Cosmetics and skin care products require an import license.

A free sale certificate is required for all cosmetics including deodorant, hair care products, make-up, perfume, and shaving products.

(Last updated on 2019-12-07)

Chemicals and chemical products (general)

Agricultural chemicals and fertilizers require an import permit or import license.

A free sale certificate is required for all pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

(Last updated on 2018-07-26)

Fertilizers (general)

Agricultural chemicals and fertilizers require an import permit or import license from the Minister of Agriculture/Agriculture General Directorate of Livestock (DIGEGA).

(Last updated on 2022-04-05)

Pesticides, insecticides, fungicides

An import license may be required.

Insecticides and fungicides must have instructions on the label. If a product is poisonous, it must be indicated on the label.

(Last updated on 2020-03-11)

Textiles, apparel and other textile articles (general)

Labels must be in Spanish and must include the following information: Fiber content, origin country, care instructions, either manufacturer or importer information, and size. RNC number of the importer may also be required.

For additional information on labeling requirements, see the Department of Standardization of the Dominican Institute for Quality website: INDOCAL (Instituto Dominicano para la Calidad).

(Last updated on 2021-11-16)

Textiles and Apparel: Used wearing apparel and textile products

Used clothing is prohibited.

(Last updated on 2019-12-30)

Machinery and appliances (general)

Used electrical appliances may be prohibited. Heavy machinery is restricted.

(Last updated on 2020-05-21)

Machinery and appliances: Electrical (line-powered)

Used electrical appliances may be prohibited.

(Last updated on 2020-05-21)

Machinery and appliances: Nuclear and radioactive equipment

Nuclear reactor and radioactive materials require an import license.

(Last updated on 2022-07-11)

Machinery and appliances: Telecommunications equipment, radios, TVs, and RF devices

Generally applicable import requirements for telecommunications equipment (applicable for most countries):

For these products it is very important for an exporter to check requirements with a prospective importer before concluding the product sale and certainly before shipping product.

(Last updated on 2021-06-15)

Machinery and appliances, aerosols and other products containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

The Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances, such as aerosol that are responsible for ozone depletion. Because CFCs contribute to ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere, the manufacture of such compounds has been phased out under the Montreal Protocol, and is being replaced with other products such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), including R-410A.

(Last updated on 2024-08-26)

Vehicles (general)

Motor vehicles over five years old are prohibited. Heavy automobiles are restricted. There are also restrictions on the importation of luxury vehicles.

General requirements (applies to most countries): There are a variety of requirements that typically or may apply to the import of automobiles and other highway vehicles and parts thereof, including:

For country-specific information see the International Trade Administration Office of Transportation and Machinery's publication: Compilation of Foreign Motor Vehicle Import Requirements.

(Last updated on 2020-04-22)

Media containing data, including books

Printed materials (pamphlets, booklets, etc.) are generally duty-free.

(Last updated on 2019-12-03)

Advertising materials, product manuals

Printed matter (pamphlets, booklets, etc.) are generally duty-free.

(Last updated on 2019-01-14)

Important: Exercise independent care before relying on information contained herein. Although we strive to ensure all information is correct and current, GISTnet assumes no liability for detrimental reliance on this information. Trade requirements may change with little or no prior notification, de-facto requirements in certain countries vary from official regulations, and particular shipments and/or importers may have special destination customs arrangements. We encourage you to check with the importer or its customs agent in the destination country for specific importation requirements for specific products and circumstances. We ask your help with feedback ( concerning information which may be outdated or incomplete.